Pursuant to subclause 3.4(1) of Land Transport Rule: Traffic Control Devices 2004 and a delegation from the NZ Transport Agency, I, Glenn Bunting, Network Manager, authorise the installation and maintenance of alternative cycle lane markings:
(a) for the purpose described in Schedule 1;
(b) in the form and layout, set out in Schedule 2;
(c) at the location stated in Schedule 3;
(d) for the period specified in Schedule 4; and
(e) subject to an evaluation in accordance with Schedule 5.
The alternative markings are to indicate an area of roadway that cyclists and parked vehicles should keep clear of.
They may be installed for the purpose of evaluating their use and the trial will be called the "Dunedin cycle lane diagonal marking trial".
Schedule 1-Purpose of trial
The purpose of the trial is to:
(a) evaluate the effectiveness and safety of alternative markings; and
(b) to establish what affect they have on the relative position between parked vehicles and cyclists in the adjacent cycle lane.
Schedule 2-Form and layout of cycle lane diagonal markings
The cycle lane diagonal markings must be:
(a) white diagonal lines 300mm wide, which extend into the cycle lane a minimum of 400mm, but no more than 1000mm, from the edge of the cycle lane closest to the parking lane;
(b) marked at an angle of 2 : 1 (longitudinal : lateral); and
(c) repeated at no more than 10 metre intervals.
Layout of Cycle Lane Diagonal Markings
Schedule 3-Location
The location approved for this trial is State Highway 1S, (Andersons Bay Road, Castle Street, Crawford Street, Cumberland Street, Gowland Street, Great King Street, High Street, Malcolm Street and Queens Gardens) in Dunedin.
Schedule 4-Period of trial
The trial may begin after the publication of this notice and, unless terminated earlier, must end by 31 December 2014.
Schedule 5-Evaluation
An evaluation and analysis must be undertaken as outlined in the trial application document dated 22 March 2013, received from the NZ Transport Agency Highways and Network Operations Group.
An interim evaluation report must be sent to me by 31 December 2013 and a final report by 31 December 2014.
Signed at Wellington this 16th day of July 2013.
GLENN BUNTING, Network Manager.