Notice Type
Notice Title

Te Kura o Matapihi (1815), Tauranga

Pursuant to section 154A of the Education Act 1989,
I hereby give the following notice that Te Kura o Matapihi will become a designated character school from 14 October 2013.
Together with the use of te reo Maori as the principal language of instruction, the following aims, purposes and objectives constitute the character of the school:
- Provision of an education environment to cater for each child as an individual and to encourage each child to realise their full potential.
- Development of students' knowledge of Ngai Te Rangi and strengthening relationships and connections with whanau, hapu and iwi.
- To produce excellent competency in te reo and matauranga Maori, derived primarily from the iwi of Ngai Te Rangi.
- Nurturing of students in mind, body and spirit.
- Development of 21st century students capable of engaging with their local community and the wider world.
Dated at Wellington this 29th day of August 2013.
HON HEKIA PARATA, Minister of Education.