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152 notices found with tag "Issued accounting standards"

Date Title Type Act
Publication Date
20 Aug 2020

Issued Accounting Standard: 2020 Amendments to PBE FRS 48 (Notice No. 175)


Authorities/Other Agencies of State

Financial Reporting Act

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Publication Date
20 Aug 2020

Issued Accounting Standard: Amendments to PBE IFRS 17 (Notice No. 174)


Authorities/Other Agencies of State

Financial Reporting Act

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Publication Date
25 Jun 2020

Issued Accounting Standard: Annual Improvements to NZ IFRS 2018–2020 (Notice No. 169)


Authorities/Other Agencies of State

Financial Reporting Act

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Publication Date
27 Feb 2020

Amendments to Professional and Ethical Standard 1: Part 4B—Independence for Assurance Engagements Other Than Audit and Review Engagements (Notice No. 161)


Authorities/Other Agencies of State

Financial Reporting Act

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Publication Date
19 Sep 2019

Issued Accounting Standard: 2019 Omnibus Amendments to NZ IFRS (Notice No. 157)


Authorities/Other Agencies of State

Financial Reporting Act

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Publication Date
15 Aug 2019

Issued Accounting Standard: Uncertainty over Income Tax Treatments (Amendments to PBE IAS 12) (Notice No. 156)


Authorities/Other Agencies of State

Financial Reporting Act

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Publication Date
22 Dec 2011

Issued Accounting Standard: NZ Equivalent to IFRIC Interpretation 20 Stripping Costs in the Production Phase of a Surface Mine (Notice No. 9)


General Section

Financial Reporting Act

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Publication Date
1 Sep 2011

Issued Accounting Standard: Amended External Reporting Board Standard A1 Application of Accounting Standards (Notice No. 6)


General Section

Financial Reporting Act

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Publication Date
25 Aug 2011

Issued Accounting Standard: Presentation of Items of Other Comprehensive Income - Amendment to NZ IAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements (Notice No. 5)


General Section

Financial Reporting Act

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Publication Date
25 Aug 2011

Issued Accounting Standard: Amended NZ IAS 19 Employee Benefits (Notice No. 4)


General Section

Financial Reporting Act

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Publication Date
27 Jun 2013

Issued Accounting Standard: Recoverable Amount Disclosures for Non-Financial Assets (Diff Rep) (Amendments to NZ IAS 36 (Diff Rep)) (Notice No. 40)


General Section

Financial Reporting Act

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Publication Date
27 Jun 2013

Issued Accounting Standard: NZ Equivalent to IFRIC Interpretation 21 (Diff Rep) Levies (Notice No. 38)


General Section

Financial Reporting Act

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Publication Date
15 Nov 2012

NZ IFRSs for Tier 1 and Tier 2 For-Profit Entities (Notice No. 21)


General Section

Financial Reporting Act

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Publication Date
15 Nov 2012

XRB A1 Accounting Standards Framework (FP Entities Update) (Notice No. 19)


General Section

Financial Reporting Act

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Publication Date
28 Jun 2012

Issued Accounting Standard: Annual Improvements to NZ IFRSs 2009-2011 Cycle (Notice No. 14)


General Section

Financial Reporting Act

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Publication Date
8 Mar 2012

Issued Accounting Standard: Disclosures-Offsetting Financial Assets and Financial Liabilities (Amendments to NZ IFRS 7 Financial Instruments: Disclosures) (Notice No. 11)


General Section

Financial Reporting Act

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