195 notices found under "Change of names"

Date Title Type Act
Publication Date
17 Feb 1994

The following name changes have been entered on the Register...

1994-cc1155 Preview

Companies Act

Publication Date
13 Apr 1995

Changes of Name, Companies Act 1955 Notice is hereby given...

1995-cc2456 Preview

Companies Act

Publication Date
17 Feb 1994

The following name changes have been entered on the Register...

1994-cc1223 Preview

Companies Act

Publication Date
26 Jan 1995

Notice is hereby given that the following name change has...

1995-cc494 Preview

Companies Act

Publication Date
8 Sep 1994

AK District Registrar of Companies Private Bag 92-513 Wellesley Street...

1994-cc6553 Preview

Companies Act

Publication Date
26 May 1994

AK District Registrar of Companies Private Bag 92-513 Wellesley Street...

1994-cc3816 Preview

Companies Act

Publication Date
24 Feb 1994

The following name changes have been entered on the Register...

1994-cc1358 Preview

Companies Act

Publication Date
24 Feb 1994

The following name changes have been entered on the Register...

1994-cc1356 Preview

Companies Act

Publication Date
14 Apr 1994

Notice is hereby given that the following name changes have...

1994-cc2623 Preview

Companies Act

Publication Date
2 Feb 1995

Notice is hereby given that the following change of name...

1995-ct647 Preview

Charitable Trusts

Charitable Trusts Act

Publication Date
4 Nov 1993

Notice is hereby given that the following name change has...

1993-ct9237 Preview

Charitable Trusts

Charitable Trusts Act

Publication Date
16 Dec 1993

Notice is hereby given that the following name changes have...

1993-ct10552 Preview

Charitable Trusts

Charitable Trusts Act

Publication Date
10 Mar 1994

Notice is hereby given that the following name change has...

1994-ct1667 Preview

Charitable Trusts

Charitable Trusts Act

Publication Date
21 Oct 1993

Notice is hereby given that the following name change has...

1993-ct8862 Preview

Charitable Trusts

Charitable Trusts Act

Publication Date
10 Mar 1994

Notice is hereby given that the following name change has...

1994-ct1727 Preview

Charitable Trusts

Charitable Trusts Act

Publication Date
21 Oct 1993

Notice is hereby given that the following name change has...

1993-ct8813 Preview

Charitable Trusts

Charitable Trusts Act

Can't find what you're looking for? This website only has notices from 1993 onwards, however get help here for finding the notice you need.