Notice Type
Notice for Priority of Claims on Sale of Ship AD 67/96 In the High Court of New Zealand, Christchurch Registry Between BAMR Scales Pacific Limited Plaintiff: And The Ship ``Novonikolsk'' Defendant: Whereas the above-named ship has been sold and the gross proceeds of such sale amounting to $NZ127,103.16 have been paid into Court at the above Registry and whereas the priority of the claims against the said proceeds will not be determined until after the 11th day of March 1997. Take notice that any person having a claim against the ship or the proceeds of sale thereof on which he intends to proceed to judgment should commence an action to enforce that claim before the above date and, if need be, apply to the Court to extend the period within which the order of priority of claims will not be determined, failing which an order determining the priority of claims against the ship or the proceeds of sale thereof may be made without notice to him. P. R. FANTHAM, Registrar.
Publication Date
13 Feb 1997

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