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146 notices found with tag "Rate of levies"
Levy for New Zealand Citrus Growers Incorporated
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General Section
Commodity Levies (Navel Oranges) Order
Commodity Levies (Satsuma Mandarins) Order
Annual Levy Prescribed Under Commodity Levies (Eggs) Order 2010
Commodity Levies Act
Deer Industry New Zealand Levy Rates
Deer Industry New Zealand Regulations
Notification of Levy Rates on Sheepmeat and Beef
Commodity Levies (Meat) Order
Notification of Rates of Levy Pursuant to the Commodity Levies (Fish) Order 2002
Commodity Levies (Fish) Order
Foundation for Arable Research Incorporated
Commodity Levies (Maize) Order
Rate of Levy Under the Wine (Grape Wine Levy) Order 2005
Wine (Grape Wine Levy) Order
Annual Milksolids Levy
Notification of Rates of Levy for the 2010-2011 Levy Year
Biosecurity (American Foulbrood - Apiary and Beekeeper Levy) Order
Levy for United Wheatgrowers (N Z) Limited Research Trust
Wheat Industry Research Levies Act
Levy for United Wheatgrowers (N Z) Limited
Commodity Levies (Wheat Grain) Order
Annual Levy Prescribed Under Commodity Levies (Eggs) Order 2004