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61 notices found with tag "Officers authorised to take statutory declarations"
Replacement Notice*—Office Holders of Public Trust Authorised to Take Statutory Declarations
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Authorities/Other Agencies of State
Office Holders of Public Trust Authorised to Take Statutory Declarations
Officers of the New Zealand Transport Agency Authorised to Take Statutory Declarations
Officers of the Timaru District Council Authorised to Take Statutory Declarations
Office Holders of the New Zealand Defence Force Authorised to Take Statutory Declarations
Officers of the NZ Transport Agency Authorised to Take Statutory Declarations
Officers of the Department of Corrections Authorised to Take Statutory Declarations
Officers of the New Zealand Customs Service Authorised to Take Statutory Declarations
Officers of the Inland Revenue Department Authorised to Take Statutory Declarations
Officers in the Service of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Authorised to Take Statutory Declarations
Officers in the Service of the New Zealand Customs Service Authorised to Take Statutory Declarations
Officers in the Service of the Hastings District Council Authorised to Take Statutory Declarations
Office Holders of the Public Trust Office Authorised to Take Statutory Declarations