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41 notices found with tag "Grey"
Land Acquired and Declared Road—Ahaura Bridge Replacement, State Highway 7, Ahaura, West Coast
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Land Notices
Setting Apart Land for Fire and Emergency Purposes and Transfer to Fire and Emergency New Zealand—Kehu Street, Moana, Grey District
Classification of Reserve
Railway Land Set Apart for Use in Connection With a Road, and Land Declared Road—State Highway 7, Kamaka, Grey District
Road to be Stopped and Amalgamated—State Highway 6, Taramakau Highway, Camerons, Grey District
Land Declared Road—State Highway 6, Taramakau Bridge, Main South Road and Gentle Annie Road near Camerons, Westland and Grey Districts
Land Declared Road and Land Severed—State Highway 7, Omoto, Grey District
Land Declared Road—State Highway 6 Taramakau Bridge, Gentle Annie Road Near Camerons, Grey District
Land Taken for Road—Grey District
Land Declared Road—State Highway 7, Dobson, Greymouth, Grey District
Notice of Intention to Take Land for Road―Grey District
Revocation of Notice of Intention to Take Land for Road—Grey District
Land to be Declared Road, Road Stopped and Vested—Nelson Creek Road, Grey District
Land to be Declared Road; Road Stopped and Vested—Nelson Creek Road, Grey District