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627 notices found with tag "Direction for appointment of limited statutory managers"
Notice of Direction to Appoint a Limited Statutory Manager for the Witherlea School (3075) Board
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Notice of Direction to Appoint a Limited Statutory Manager for the Ōuruhia Model School (3464) Board
Notice of Direction to Appoint a Limited Statutory Manager for the Kaihu Valley School (1020) Board
Notice of Direction to Appoint a Limited Statutory Manager for the Miller Avenue School (1827) Board
Notice of Direction to Appoint a Limited Statutory Manager for the Tarrangower School (1982) Board
Further Amendment of Notice of Direction to Appoint a Limited Statutory Manager for the Wellsford School (1126) Board
Notice of Direction to Appoint a Limited Statutory Manager for the Waihola District School (3850) Board
Amendment of Notice of Direction to Appoint a Limited Statutory Manager for the Manaia School (2097) Board
Amendment of Notice of Direction to Appoint a Limited Statutory Manager for the Rutherford Junior High School (2442) Board
Amendment of Notice of Direction to Appoint a Limited Statutory Manager for Te Wharekura o Ngāti Rongomai (878) Board
Notice of Direction to Appoint a Limited Statutory Manager for the Waikato Waldorf School (539) Board
Further Amendment of Notice of Direction to Appoint a Limited Statutory Manager for Te Kura Mana Māori o Whangaparaoa (2084) Board
Notice of Direction to Appoint a Limited Statutory Manager for the Reporoa College (164) Board
Notice of Direction to Appoint a Limited Statutory Manager for Te Wharekura o Ngāti Rongomai (878) Board
Amendment of Notice of Direction to Appoint a Limited Statutory Manager for the Tinui School (3041) Board
Notice of Direction to Appoint a Limited Statutory Manager for the Mt Richmond School (1379) Board