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1,033 notices found of type "Secondary Legislation"
Notice Under the Legislation Act 2019
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Secondary Legislation
Fisheries (SCA CS Closure) Notice 2023 (MPI 1603)
Education (Proposed Investment Plans: Content and Submission; Assessment Criteria; and Plan Summaries) Notice 2023
COVID-19 Public Health Response (Authorisation of COVID-19 Orders) Notice 2023
Notification of Animal Products Notice: Monitoring Regimes (Notice No. MPI 1593)
Notification of Animal Product Notice: National Microbiological Database Programme (Notice No. MPI 1597)
Pharmacy Council (Previously Listed as Pharmacy Council of New Zealand) (Fees) Notice 2023
Notice Under the Legislation Act 2019 of Scope of Practice, Qualifications and Competencies for Periodontic Specialists
Notice Under the Legislation Act 2019 of Scope of Practice, Qualifications and Competencies for Orthodontic Specialists
Notice Under the Legislation Act 2019 of Scope of Practice, Qualifications and Competencies for Oral Surgery Specialists
Notice Under the Legislation Act 2019 of Scope of Practice, Qualifications and Competencies for Oral Pathology Specialists
Notice Under the Legislation Act 2019 of Scope of Practice, Qualifications and Competencies for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery