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3,710 notices found of type "General Section"
Veterinary Council Prescribed Form of the Register of Veterinarians Notice 2007
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General Section
Veterinary Council (Fees) Amendment Notice 2007 (No. 1)
Minimum Standards for Practising as a Veterinarian (Fitness to Practise and the Maintenance, Examination or Improvement of the Overall Competence of a Veterinarian to Practise)
Veterinary Council of New Zealand Recognised Institutions, Qualifications, Assessment and Examination Programmes for Registration Purposes-Amendment Notice 2008 (No. 1)
Minimum Standards for Practising as a Veterinarian: Amendment Notice 2008 (No. 1)
Veterinary Council (Fees) Notice 2010
Notice of amendment & revocation of notice, The Royal Veterinary & Agricultural University, Denmark
Veterinary Council of New Zealand Fees Amendment Notice 2014 (No. 1)
Notice of Scopes of Practice for Limited Registration, 2014
Veterinary Council of New Zealand Fees Notice 2014
Fees Payable to the Veterinary Council of New Zealand Notice 2017
Recognised Institutions, Qualifications, Assessment and Examination Programmes for Registration as a Veterinarian Notice 2015
Notice of Recognition of Specified Universities by the Veterinary Council of New Zealand
Fees Payable to the Veterinary Council of New Zealand Notice from 11 January 2019
2022 Election of Veterinarians to the Veterinary Council
Veterinary Council: Results of 2013 Election