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3,670 notices found of type "General Section"
Notice of Extension of Local Transition Period
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General Section
Civil Defence Emergency Management Act
Declaration of State of Local Emergency
Extension of Reporting Timeframes for Persons in Charge of Animals Under the National Animal Identification and Tracing Act 2012 in the Otago Region
National Animal Identification and Tracing Act
Deer Industry New Zealand Levy Rates
Deer Industry New Zealand Regulations
Annual Report of Industry Body—Gas Industry Company Limited
Gas Act
Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code—Amendment No. 231
Food Standards Australia New Zealand Act
Sheepmeat and Beef Commodity Levies 2024–25
Commodity Levies (Meat) Order
Cereal Silage Levy
Commodity Levies (Cereal Silage) Order
Arable Crops Levy
Commodity Levies (Arable Crops) Order
Levy on Pigs Slaughtered on Licensed Premises 2024/25
Pork Industry Board Act
Amendment of Quota Allocation Mechanisms Following Review for Free Trade Agreement Tariff Rate Quotas—European Union (EU) Beef, EU Sheepmeat and Goatmeat (Fresh/Chilled) and Sheepmeat and Goatmeat (Frozen), United Kingdom (UK) Beef, (UK) Sheepmeat Tariff Rate Quotas (TRQs)
Meat Board Act
Amendment of Quota Allocation Mechanisms Following Review for World Trade Agreement (WTO) Tariff Rate Quotas—European Union (EU) Sheepmeat and Goatmeat (S&G), EU High Quality Beef (HQB), United Kingdom (UK) HQB, UK S&G, and United States (US) Beef and Veal Tariff Rate Quotas
Notice of Extension of Local Transition Period for Auckland by Mayor of Auckland
Notice of Change to TB Slaughter Levy Rate
Biosecurity (Bovine Tuberculosis—Cattle and Deer Levy) Order