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Showing first 15,000 notices found of type "Departmental"
Fisheries (South Island Customary Fishing) Notice (No. 11) 2008 (No. F460)
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Fisheries (South Island Customary Fishing) Notice (No. 12) 2008 (No. F461)
The Public Trust Common Fund Interest Rates Notice 4 September 2008
Orders for Confiscation of Motor Vehicles
Marriage Celebrants for 2008 Notice No. 80
Marriage Celebrants for 2008 Notice No. 79
Marriage Celebrants for 2008 Notice No. 78
Marriage Celebrants for 2008 Notice No. 77
Marriage (Approval of Organisations) Notice No. 20
Civil Union Celebrants for 2008 Notice No. 16
Provisional Consent to the Distribution of New Medicines
Consent to the Distribution of a New Related Product
Notice of Disciplinary Action Taken by the Electrical Workers Registration Board
Order for Confiscation of Motor Vehicle
Alternate Environment Judge Appointed