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Showing first 15,000 notices found of type "Departmental"
Amendment to the Register of Valuers
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Appointment of Acting Judge of the Supreme Court
Appointment of Acting Judge of the High Court
Reappointments/appointment to the New Zealand Blood Service Board
Appointment/reappointment to the Veterinary Council of New Zealand (Notice No. MPI 75)
Notice of Authorisation of Issuing Officers
Notification of Intention to Set 2012 Remuneration Authority Levy on Local Authorities
Consent to the Distribution of a New Medicine
Consent to the Distribution of New Medicines
Revoking Sections of State Highway and Declaring Sections of State Highway-State Highways 16, 17, 18, 18A and 20, Auckland
Appointments to the Film and Video Labelling Body
Cancellation of Licence for an Early Childhood Service