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6,888 notices found of type "Authorities/Other Agencies of State"
Notice of the Grant of an Exemption # 19
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Authorities/Other Agencies of State
Making of a Recommendation Concerning the Electricity Governance Rules 2003 - Rule Amendment Proposal No. 11
Making of a Recommendation Concerning the Electricity Governance Rules 2003 - Rule Amendment Proposal No. 12
Notice of Reconciled Annual Levy Rates for the Financial Year Ending 30 June 2004
Maritime Rules Part 90-Notice of Exemption From Rule 90.7 and 90.15 (2) - Requirement to Hold a Valid Medical Certificate
Automotive CNG Fuel Cylinder Approval
Notice of Making of Electricity Governance Amendment Rules (No. 10) 2004 and Notice of Reasons for Decision
Determination of New Organisms
The Authorised Futures Dealers Notice (No. 4) 2004
Notification of Ordinary Rules
Notice of the Grant of an Exemption No. 24
Amendment to the Register of Political Parties-Registration of Party Logo
Appointment of Protection Officers Under the Submarine Cables and Pipelines Protection
Designation and Classification of Airspace-Civil Aviation Rule Part 71
Notice of Exemption-Westfield Trust