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6,888 notices found of type "Authorities/Other Agencies of State"
The Traffic (Rotorua District) Notice 2002
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Authorities/Other Agencies of State
Notice of Approval-Part 132 of the Marine Protection Rules
Notice of Temporary Exemption-Multiplex Group
Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Act 1996
Bay-Waikato Fire Districts Notice, December 2004
Privacy Act Code of Practice Notice
Notice of Making of Electricity Governance Amendment Rules (No. 15) 2004 and Notice of Reasons for Decision
Notification of Ordinary Rules
Draft Determination on Application for Designated Multinetwork Services
Making of a Recommendation Concerning the Electricity Governance Rules - Rule Amendment Proposal No. 14
Making of a Recommendation Concerning the Electricity Governance Rules - Rule Amendment Proposal No. 16
Decision to Investigate IHUG Bitstream Application
Decision to Investigate TelstraClear
Automotive CNG Fuel Cylinder Approval
Notice of the Grant of an Exemption # 3