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121 notices found with tag "Waipa"
Land Set Apart for Use in Connection With a Road—State Highway 3/Waikeria Road Intersection, Waikeria, Waipa District
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Land Notices
Appointment of Local Authority to Administer a Reserve
Reservation of Land and Classification of Reserves
Revocation of the Reservation Over a Reserve Specifying the Manner of Disposal
Acquisition of Land for Reserve—Swayne Road, Cambridge, Waipa District
Land Set Apart for Secondary School—Factory Road, Te Awamutu, Waipa District
Classification of Reserve
Land Acquired for Water Treatment Purposes—Parallel Road, Ohaupo, Waipa District
Revocation of the Reservation Over Reserve Specifying the Manner of Disposal
Land Declared Road—State Highway 3, Ohaupo Road, Te Awamutu, Waikato
Road to be Stopped and Amalgamated—Wells Place, Cambridge
Land Declared Road and Land Set Apart for the Functioning Indirectly of a Road (Segregation Strip)—Waikato Expressway, Cambridge, Waipa District
Land Acquired for the Purposes of a Local Purpose Reserve (Pedestrian Access)—State Highway 1 and St Kilda Road, Cambridge, Waipa District
Stopped Road—St Kilda Road, Cambridge, Waipa District
Easement in Gross Acquired—Newcombe Road, Cambridge, Waipa District
Land Acquired for Use in Connection With a Road—Waikato Expressway, Cambridge, Waipa District