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112 notices found with tag "Thames-Coromandel"
Declaration That Land is a Reserve and Classification of Reserve
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Land Notices
Revocation of the Reservation Over a Reserve
Land Declared Road—State Highway 25, Thames, Thames–Coromandel District
Land Declared Road—102 Waterways Parade, Pauanui, Thames–Coromandel District
Vesting of Leasehold Interest in a Reclamation—Thames–Coromandel District
Road Stopped and Set Apart for Better Utilisation—State Highway 25, Coromandel Hill, Thames–Coromandel District
Land Declared Road—State Highway 25, Coromandel Hill, Thames–Coromandel District
Change of Classification of a Reserve—Kotare Reserve, Hahei, Thames-Coromandel District
Land Acquired for Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Purposes—775A Purangi Road, Cooks Beach, Thames-Coromandel District
Land Acquired for Recreation Reserve—Woollams Avenue, Coromandel, Thames–Coromandel District
Road Realignment—Waitaia Road, Kuaotunu, Thames–Coromandel District
Land Acquired for and Declared Road—6 The Esplanade, Whitianga, Thames–Coromandel District
Classification of Reserves
Declaration That Land is Reserve
Road Stopped and Amalgamated—260 Sailors Grave Road, Pumpkin Hill, Thames-Coromandel District
Road Stopped and Amalgamated—South Highway, Whitianga, Thames–Coromandel District