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112 notices found with tag "Thames-Coromandel"
Stopped Road Amalgamated—State Highway 25, Whitianga
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Land Notices
Land Acquired for and Declared Road—1931 The 309 Road, Kaimarama, Thames–Coromandel District
Road Realignment—21 Calloway Lane, Coromandel, Thames–Coromandel District
Authorising the Exchange of Reserve Land for Other Land
Revocation of the Reservation Over a Reserve Specifying the Manner of Disposal
Declaration That Land is a Recreation Reserve and Naming of Reserve—Ian Hopper Memorial Reserve, Pauanui
Classification of Reserves
Change of Classification—Tangimoana Esplanade, Tairua, Thames–Coromandel District
Change of Classification—115 Whangapoua Road, Coromandel, Thames–Coromandel District
Change of Classification—2 Manaia Road, Tairua, Thames–Coromandel District
Declaration That Land is Reserve—Kuranui Bay Reserve, Thames
Declaration That Land is Reserve—Black Jack Road Bush Block, Kuaotunu