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112 notices found with tag "Thames-Coromandel"
Declaration That Land is Reserve—Kuranui Bay Reserve, Thames
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Land Notices
Land Set Apart for a Recreation Reserve—297 Ngati Maru Highway, Thames, Thames–Coromandel District
Land Acquired for Road and Land Declared Road—State Highway 25, Thames–Coromandel District
Declaration That Land is Reserve—Black Jack Road Bush Block, Kuaotunu
Change of Classification of Reserves—100 Pound Street and 525 Hauraki Road, Coromandel
Classification of Reserve
Declaration That Land is Reserve
Revocation of the Reservation Over Reserves and Specifying the Manner of Disposal
Classification of Reserve—Thames Historical Museum
Road Stopped—31–35 Pye Place, Hot Water Beach, Thames–Coromandel District
Land Set Apart for Local Purpose Reserve Purposes—101 Lindsay Road, Whangamata, Thames-Coromandel District
Road Realignment—45 Te Kouma Road, Te Kouma, Thames-Coromandel District
Road Stopped and Amalgamated—43, 44, 45 and 46 Joseph Road, Wharekaho, Thames-Coromandel District
Declaration That Land is a Reserve and Classification of Reserve