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195 notices found with tag "Tasman"
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Land Notices
Stopped Road to be Vested—Moutere Highway, Tasman District
Land Acquired for Road—Moutere Highway, Tasman District
Land Acquired for Recreation Reserve—Golden Bay, Tasman District
Land Acquired for Drainage, Walkway and Cycleway Purposes—Main Road Hope, Tasman District
Land Declared Road—Flett Road and Main Road Lower Moutere Intersection, Tasman District
Land Set Apart for Reserve Purposes—Dominion Road, Mapua, Nelson
Land Acquired for Road—State Highway 6, Main Road and Edens Road, Tasman District
Notice of Intention to Take an Easement for the Waimea Community Dam Project—Tasman District
Land Declared Road—State Highway 63, Saint Arnaud, Tasman District
Declaring Land to be Held for Conservation Purposes
Land Declared Road—174, 297 and 316 Queen Street, Tasman District
Notice of Intention to Take Land, Easements and a Leasehold Estate—Waimea Community Dam Project, Tasman District
Notice of Intention to Take Land and a Leasehold Estate in Land—Waimea Community Dam Project, Tasman District
Notice of Intention to Take Land and Existing Easement Interests in Land—Waimea Community Dam Project, Tasman District