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98 notices found with tag "Southland"
Land Declared Road—Bates Road, Clifden, Southland District
Land Notices
Public Works Act
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Declaring Land to be Held for Conservation Purposes
Conservation Act
Declaring Land to be Held for Conservation Purposes, Declaring Conservation Area to be a Reserve and Appointing Environment Southland to Control and Manage a Reserve
Revocation of and Replacing a Notice—Classification of Reserves and Vesting
Reserves Act
Classification of Reserve
Classification of Reserve and Declaration That the Reserve Form Part of the Eastern Rakiura Scenic Reserve
Revocation of the Reservation Over Reserves
Land Taken for Road—State Highway 94, Lumsden Riversdale Highway, Riversdale, Southland
Land Declared Road—Allison Road, Taramoa, Southland District
Crown Land Set Apart and Vested—Josephville, Southland
Land Set Apart for Reserve and Road—Bath Road, Riverton, Southland District
Additions of Land to Fiordland National Park
National Parks Act
Altering the Boundaries of the Specially Protected Area—Murchison Mountains, Fiordland National Park
Notice of Intention to Take Land for Road―State Highway 94, Lumsden Riversdale Highway, Riversdale, Southland
Disposal of Stewardship Area