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55 notices found with tag "Revocation notices"
Electricity Industry (Decision No. 603 (Top Energy Limited)) Exemption Revocation Notice 2017
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Authorities/Other Agencies of State
Electricity Industry (Revocation of Exemption No. 245 (Meridian Energy Limited)) Revocation Notice 2023
Electricity Industry (Exemption No. 146 (Trustpower Limited)) Exemption Revocation Notice 2016
Notice of Revocation of the Application of the Engineering Associates Act 1961 to Associations
Notice of Cancellation of Authorised Crossing Place on Limited Access Road
Land Notices
Revoking a Limited Access Road—Within Land Fronting Devine Road, State Highway 1, Waikato District
Hazardous Substances Transfer Notices Revocation Notice 2022
Secondary Legislation
Group Standards Revoked and Issued Under Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Act 1996
EPA Notices (Amendments and Revocations) Notice 2020
Approvals Revoked Under Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Act 1996
Revocation of Director-General Notice Pursuant to Regulations 4 and 5 of the Health (Needles and Syringes) Regulations 1987
Revocation of RMIT University’s Certificate IV in Optical Dispensing Qualification as a Prescribed Qualification with the Optometrists and Dispensing Opticians Board
General Section
Revoking Section of State Highway 1N from Warkworth to Johnstone’s Hill South of Pūhoi, Auckland
Revocation of Water Recreation (Lake Kaniere) Notice 1988
Revocation of Safer Aotearoa Family Violence Prevention Network
Radiocommunications Regulations (Returns in Respect of Supply of Radio Transmitters) Notice 2008 Revocation Notice