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3,586 notices found with tag "Reserves Act"
Notice of Reserve Name Change
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Land Notices
Revocation of Appointment to Control and Manage a Reserve and Appointment of the Central North Island Kindergarten Association Incorporated to Control and Manage the Reserve
Classification of a Reserve
Revocation of the Reservation Over a Reserve Specifying the Manner of Disposal and How Proceeds of Sale Shall be Utilised
Appointment to Control and Manage a Reserve
Revocation of the Reservation Over a Reserve Specifying That the Land Shall Vest in the South Waikato District Council in Fee Simple and How the Value Therefore Shall be Utilised
Appointment of the Waipa District Council to Control and Manage a Recreation Reserve
Revocation of Reserves Management Plans
Revocation of the Reservation Over Reserve
Appointment of the Waipa District Council to Control and Manage a Local Purpose
Vesting Reserves in the Queenstown Lakes
Reservation of Land
Classification of Reserve
Revocation of the Reservation Over a Reserve
Reservation of Land and Classification of Reserve