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3,586 notices found with tag "Reserves Act"
Revocation of the Reservation Over a Reserve Specifying the Manner of Disposal
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Land Notices
Change of Classification of Part of Kopurererua Valley (Puketoromiro Pā) From Recreation Reserve to Historic Reserve
Classification of Parts of Ōtara Reserve—Ōtara, Auckland
Classification and Naming of Reserve
Revocation of Appointment to Control and Manage a Reserve
Revocation of the Reservation over a Reserve and Specifying the Manner of Disposal
Classification of Land—Lough Bourne Reserve, (Co-named One-tea), Pukekohe
Classification of Land—64 Fremlin Place, Avondale, Fremlin Reserve
Declaration That Land is a Reserve—Kāpiti Coast District
Classification of Reserve
Revocation of the Reservation Over a Reserve and Specifying the Manner of Disposal
Classification of Reserve—Glenbrook Beach Boat Ramp Reserve