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3,586 notices found with tag "Reserves Act"
Corrigendum—Authorisation of the Exchange of Part of a Reserve for Other Land—Kaipara District
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Land Notices
Change of Classification of Reserve in the District of Waitaki
Revocation of the Reservation Over a Reserve and Specifying the Manner of Disposal
Classification of Reserve—Glenbrook Beach Boat Ramp Reserve
Classification of Reserve
Declaration That Land is a Reserve—Kāpiti Coast District
Classification of Land—64 Fremlin Place, Avondale, Fremlin Reserve
Revocation of the Reservation Over a Reserve Specifying the Manner of Disposal
Classification of Land—Lough Bourne Reserve, (Co-named One-tea), Pukekohe
Revocation of the Reservation over a Reserve and Specifying the Manner of Disposal
Revocation of Appointment to Control and Manage a Reserve
Classification and Naming of Reserve
Classification of Parts of Ōtara Reserve—Ōtara, Auckland