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3,588 notices found with tag "Reserves Act"
Classification of Reserves—Porirua City
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Land Notices
Classification of Reserve
Revocation of the Reservation Over Reserve
Revocation of the Reservation Over a Reserve and Specifying the Manner of Disposal
Classification of Land—13R Karaka Road, Kawakawa Bay
Classification of Reserve—21 Ara Tai Road, Half Moon Bay
Revocation of the Reservation Over a Reserve Specifying the Manner of Disposal
Classification of Reserve—Colin Lawrie Fields—47 Reynolds Road, Pukekohe
Change of Classification of Part of a Recreation Reserve
Change of Classification of Reserve in the District of Waitaki
Classification of Reserve—Glenbrook Beach Boat Ramp Reserve
Revocation of Appointment to Control and Manage a Reserve
Change of Classification of Part of Kopurererua Valley (Puketoromiro Pā) From Recreation Reserve to Historic Reserve