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44 notices found with tag "Proposals to assign/alter/discontinue geographic names"
Notice of Proposals to Alter Geographic Names
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Land Notices
Notice of Proposals to Assign, Alter and Approve Geographic Names
Notice of a Proposal to Approve a Geographic Name
Notice of New and Altered Official Geographic Names and Discontinued Crown Protected Area Names for Ngāti Kahungunu ki Wairarapa Tāmaki nui-a-Rua Claims Settlement Act 2022
Notice of Proposals to Alter, Approve and Assign Geographic Names
Notice of Proposals to Assign Railway Station Names
Notice of a Proposal to Assign an Official Geographic Name
Notice of a Proposal to Assign a Geographic Name
Notice of a Proposal to Alter a Geographic Name
Notice of Proposals to Alter and Assign Geographic Names
Notice of Proposals to Assign and Alter Geographic and Undersea Feature Names
Notice of Proposals to Assign and Alter Geographic Names
Corrigendum—Notice of New and Altered Geographic Names for Ngāti Tamaoho Claims Settlement Act 2018