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2,556 notices found with tag "Other Districts"
Land Acquired for Conservation Purposes-
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Land Notices
Notice of Intention to Take Land for Stormwater Flood Control and Other Works in the
Land Acquired and Land Set Apart for Soil Conservation and River Control and Land Set Apart for Vesting in Exchange-Matawai
Land Set Apart for State Primary School in the Franklin District
Land Set Apart for a Recreation Reserve
Revocation of Notice-Hokitika Aerodrome
Land Set Apart for Conservation Purposes-Raukumara, Gisborne
Land and Easement Acquired for Water Pumpstation-State Highway No. 12, Kaikohe,
Land to be Set Apart for Generation of Electricity
Land Required for Soil Conservation and River Control Purposes and Right of Way Easement, Karamu Stream, Whakatu, Hastings District
Land Set Apart as Crown Land-Taupo Quay, Wanganui District
Land at Ikawai Set Apart for a Public School
Land Set Apart for a Public School at Omakau
Land Acquired for Reserve-Tangimoana, Manawatu
Land Acquired for Water Storage and Reticulation
Land for Reserve and General Purposes of the