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2,557 notices found with tag "Other Districts"
Amending a Declaration of Easements in
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Land Notices
Amending a Fresh Notice-Land Set Apart for Scenic Reserve-Public Foreshore, Abel Tasman Coastline
Amending a Gazette Notice Acquiring Land for Scenic Reserve-Abbey Caves Road
Amending a Gazette Notice Declaring Land Acquired for a Car Park in Kapiti Borough
Amending a Notice Acquiring Easements at Wainui
Amending a Notice Acquiring Land for Education Purposes-Napier Road, State Highway 3, Whakarongo, Near Palmerston North
Amending a Notice Acquiring Land for Granting as Compensation in Western Bay of Plenty District
Amending a Notice Acquiring Land for Recreation Reserve-Aspin Ridge, Tauranga District
Amending a Notice Acquiring Land for Reserve—Lake Wainono, Waimate District
Amending a Notice Acquiring Land for Water Supply and Related Purposes-Maungakotukutuku Road, Kapiti Coast District
Amending a Notice Acquiring Land for a Local Purpose (Esplanade) Reserve, Pedestrian and Cycleway Easement, and Road to be Stopped and Amalgamated-Snell Road, Opotiki District
Amending a Notice Acquiring Land for a Right of Way (Pedestrian)-Lyn Grove, Tauranga District
Amending a Notice Acquiring Land for a State Primary School-Peakes Road, Wanganui
Amending a Notice Acquiring a Right of Way Easement for Telecommunications Purposes-Rangitumau, Masterton, Wellington District
Amending a Notice Acquiring the Leasehold Estate for the Generation of Electricity—Waitaki District
Amending a Notice Declaring Land Acquired for the Purposes of River Control and River Diversion-Bridge Street and Gillies Street, Kawakawa