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92 notices found with tag "North Auckland"
Notice Pursuant to Section 114 of the Land Transfer Act 2017
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Land Transfers/Joint Family Homes
Land Transfer Act 2017 Notice
Revocation of the Reservation Over a Reserve Specifying the Manner of Disposal
Land Notices
Notice Pursuant to Section 115 of the Land Transfer Act 2017
Notice of Intention to Take Land and a Leasehold Estate for the Paerātā Railway Station Project in the North Auckland Land District
Notice of Intention to Take Land and a Leasehold Estate for the Paerātā Railway Station Project—North Auckland Land District
Notice of Intention to Take Land and a Leasehold Estate for the Drury Central Railway Station Project—North Auckland Land District
Notice of Intention to Take Land and a Leasehold Estate for State Highway 16—Brigham Creek to Waimauku Safety Improvements Stage 1, North Auckland Land District
Application to Record Extinguishment of Profit à Prendre on Occurrence of Event at Whangarei