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183 notices found with tag "New Plymouth"
Land Set Apart for the Purposes of a Reserve—Rifle Range Road, New Plymouth
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Land Notices
Land Acquired for and Declared Road—Mangorei Road, New Plymouth
Land Acquired for and Declared Road—Tarata Road, Inglewood, Taranaki
Corrigendum—Land Acquired for and Declared Road—Mangorei Road, New Plymouth
Land Declared Road—State Highway 45, South Road, Tataraimaka, New Plymouth District
Declaring Road to be Stopped and Amalgamated—Messenger Terrace, New Plymouth District
Classification of a Reserve—Paritutu Centennial Park, New Plymouth District
Road to be Stopped—State Highway 3, New Plymouth District
Notification of Application of Overlay Classification and Protection Principles—Waitara Scenic Reserve
Notifcation of Application of Overlay Classification and Protection Principles—Rimutauteka Scenic Reserve
Notification of Application of Overlay Classification and Protection Principles—Pukerangiora Pa Historic Reserve
Revocation of the Reservation of a Reserve Specifying the Manner of Disposal and How to Utilise Proceeds of Sale
Amending Notice—Declaring Land to be Road and Road to be Stopped and Amalgamated—Otaraoa Road, Tikorangi, New Plymouth
Declaring Land to be Road and Road to be Stopped and Amalgamated—Otaraoa Road, Tikorangi, New Plymouth
Land Acquired for and Declared Road—26 Bell Block Court, Bell Block, New Plymouth