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180 notices found with tag "New Plymouth"
Classification of a Reserve
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Land Notices
Classification of Reserves
Declaration Land is a Reserve
Declaration That Land is a Reserve
Classification of a Reserve for Recreation Purposes Forming Part of Paritutu Centennial Park
Declaration of Land as Recreation Reserve—Paritutu Centennial Park
Declaration that Land is a Recreation Reserve—Carnival–Jubilee Park
Declaration that Land is a Reserve and Naming—Tangaroa Local Purpose Reserve
Road Stopped and Amalgamated—Mataro Road, Urenui, New Plymouth District
Land to be Declared Road—Mataro Road, Urenui, New Plymouth District
Declaring Land to be Road—951 Otaraoa Road, New Plymouth
Declaring Land to be Road and Road to be Stopped and Amalgamated—678 Otaraoa Road, Tikorangi
Revocation of Part of a Notice Relating to Declaration of a Walkway—Pukearuhe, New Plymouth District
Declaring Land to be Road—17 Brown Street, Inglewood
Land to be Declared Road—107 Mangorei Road, New Plymouth
Land to be Declared Road—109 Mangorei Road, New Plymouth