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183 notices found with tag "New Plymouth"
Revoking Section of State Highway 3—Waiwhakaiho, New Plymouth
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Land Notices
Land to be Declared Road—35 Barriball Street, New Plymouth
Road to be Stopped—Messenger Terrace, Oakura, New Plymouth District
Land to be Declared Road—Gill Street, New Plymouth
Road Stopped and Amalgamated—Waiwakaiho Road, Hillsborough, New Plymouth District
Road Stopped and Amalgamated—Koru Road, New Plymouth District
Land to be Declared Road—Tukapa Street, New Plymouth
Declaring Road to be Stopped and Amalgamated—Woolcombe Terrace, New Plymouth District
Land Declared Road—161 Gill Street, New Plymouth District
Land Declared Road—Browne Street and West Beach, Waitara, New Plymouth District
Classification of a Reserve—Inland Pukearuhe Domain Recreation and Local Purpose
Land to be Declared Road—Watson Street, New Plymouth
Land Declared Road—1 Clemow Road, Fitzroy, New Plymouth
Declaring Service Lane to be Stopped and Amalgamated—Knox Service Lane, Inglewood, New Plymouth
Land Set Apart for the Purposes of a Reserve—Rifle Range Road, New Plymouth
Land Acquired for and Declared Road—Mangorei Road, New Plymouth