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2,891 notices found with tag "Marriage Act"
Marriage Celebrants for 1997 Notice No. 40
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Marriage Celebrants for 2000 Notice No. 37
Marriage Celebrants for 1999 Notice No. 38
Marriage (Approval of Organisations)
Marriage (Approval of Organisations) Notice No. 12.
Marriage (Approval of Organisations) Notice No. 2
Marriage (Approval of Organisations) Notice No. 1
General Notices
Marriage Celebrants for 2000 Notice No. 2
Marriage Celebrants for 2000 Notice No. 1
Marriage Celebrants for 2000 Notice No. 3
Proof for New Zealand Gazette, 4/5/2000, Notice: go3123
Marriage Celebrants for 2000 Notice No. 4
Marriage Celebrants for 2000 Notice No. 6