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234 notices found with tag "Levies"
Levy on Pigs Slaughtered on Licensed Premises 2020/21
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General Section
Cereal Silage Levy
Arable Crops Levy
Notification of Levy Rates on Sheepmeat and Beef
Notification of Rates of Levy Pursuant to the Commodity Levies (Foveaux Strait Dredge Oyster) Order 2018
Notification of Rates of Levy Pursuant to the Commodity Levies (Paua) Order 2013
Notification of Rates of Levy Pursuant to the Commodity Levies (Rock Lobster) Order 2013
Levy for United Wheatgrowers (NZ) Ltd
Notification of Levy Rates Under the Energy (Petrol, Engine Fuel, and Gas) Levy Regulations 2017 Notice 2020
Levy for United Wheatgrowers (NZ) Ltd Research Trust
Forest Growers Levy Trust Notification of Levy Rate 2020
Agriculture and Forestry Commodity Levies Act 1990 Annual Levy Prescribed Under Commodity Levies (Eggs) Order 2016
Levy on Pigs Slaughtered on Licensed Premises 2019/20