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2,167 notices found with tag "Health"
Specification of COVID-19 Vaccines for the Purposes of the Vaccination Requirement in Clause 7E of the COVID-19 Public Health Response (Air Border) Order (No 2) Amendment Order (No 11) 2021
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Specification of Examination or Test for COVID-19—COVID-19 Public Health Response (Air Border) Order (No 2) 2020
Specification of Form and Content of Notice of Arrival for Ships
Secondary Legislation
Specification of Information Requirements Carriers Must Provide to New Zealand Customs Prior to Arrival in New Zealand Under the COVID-19 Public Health Response (Air Border) Order 2021
Specified COVID-19 Vaccination Exemption Criteria
Specified COVID-19 Vaccination Exemption for COVID-19 Public Health Response (Air Border) Order 2021
Specified Prescription Medicines for Designated Dietitian Prescribers
Specified Prescription Medicines for Designated Pharmacist Prescriber
Specified Prescription Medicines for Designated Pharmacist Prescribers
Specified Prescription Medicines for Designated Registered Nurse Prescribers
Substance Addiction (Health Professional Designation) Notice 2017
Suspension of Consent to the Distribution of Medicines