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259 notices found with tag "Hamilton"
Classification and Naming of Reserve
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Land Notices
Notice Pursuant to Section 114 of the Land Transfer Act 2017
Land Transfers/Joint Family Homes
Land to be Acquired for Education Purposes—Peacockes Road and Westbrook Place, Hamilton City
Change of Classification of Part of a Recreation Reserve—Fairfield Park, Hamilton City
Application to Record Extinguishment of Profit à Prendre on Occurrence of Event at Masterton
Application for Record of Title to Share in Access Strip—Karaka Bay, Wellington
Notice Pursuant to Section 115 of the Land Transfer Act 2017
Land Acquired and Declared Road—Westbrook Place, Hamilton City
Land Declared Road—Peacockes Road, Hamilton City
Land Transfer Act Notice
Land Taken for Road—Peacocke Southern Links Project, Peacocke, Hamilton
Land to be Acquired for Education Purposes—Peacockes Road, Hamilton City
Land Declared Road—Heaphy Terrace and Brooklyn Road, Hamilton City