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1,342 notices found with tag "Exemptions"
Notice of the Grant of a Variation of an
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Authorities/Other Agencies of State
Notice of the Revocation of an Exemption
Notice of the Confirmation and Grant of a Variation of an Exemption # 19
Notice of the Grant of an Exemption # 21
Notice of the Amendment of Exemption # 26
Electricity Governance Regulations (Exemption No. 32 (Genesis Power Limited)) Exemption Notice 2006
Notice of Exemption From Maritime and Marine Protection Rules
Notice of Exemption From Maritime Rules: 19.3; 19.41; 19.42(1); 19.43(1); 19.45(1); 19.46(1); 19.62(1); 31.80; 40C.3
Exemption for Donald James Beattie
Electricity Industry (Exemption No. 204 (Orion New Zealand Limited)) Exemption Amendment Notice 2017 (No. 2)
Notice Under Section 571 of the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013
Notice of Exemption From Maritime Rules: 19.3; 19.41; 19.42(1); 19.43(1); 19.45(1); 19.46(1); 19.62(1); 25.4(1); 40C.7(1)(a); 40C.9(1); 40C.5(1); 40C.52(1); 40C.53(1); 45.5(1); 45.5(2); 45.21(1)(b); 50.9(1)
Notice Under Section 45 of the Takeovers Act 1993
Notice of Exemption From Maritime Rules: 19.3; 19.41; 19.42(1); 19.43(1); 19.45(1); 19.46(1); 19.62(1); 25.4(1); 40C.7(1); 40C.9(1); 40C.51(1); 40C.52(1); 40C.53(1); 45.5(1); 45.5(2); 45.21(1)(b); 50.9(1)