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389 notices found with tag "Electricity Industry Act"
Amendment to Electricity Industry (Exemption No. 331 (Wellington Electricity Lines Limited)) Exemption Notice 2023
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Authorities/Other Agencies of State
Amendment to Electricity Industry (Exemption No.330 (Intellihub Limited)) Exemption Notice 2023
Amendment to Exemption Under Section 11(4) of the Electricity Industry Act 2010 in Connection With Expansion of Ngāwhā Springs Generation Plant
Amendment to Exemption Under Section 90(1)(b) of the Electricity Industry Act 2010 in Connection with Expansion of Ngawha Springs Generation Plant
Appointment to the Electricity Authority
Appointments / Reappointments to the Electricity Industry Rulings Panel
Appointments to the Electricity Authority Board
Appointments to the Electricity Industry Rulings Panel
Appointments to the Electricity Rulings Panel
Corrigendum—Appointment to the Electricity Authority
Corrigendum—Electricity Industry (Exemption No. 310 (Intellihub Limited)) Exemption Notice 2021
Corrigendum—Electricity Industry (Exemption No. 332 (The Power Company Limited)) Exemption Notice 2023
Corrigendum—Electricity Industry (Exemption No. 334 (AccuCal Limited)) Exemption Notice 2023
Corrigendum—Electricity Industry (Exemption No. 335 (Meridian Energy Limited)) Exemption Notice 2023
Corrigendum—Electricity Industry (Exemption No. 350 (Meridian Energy Limited)) Exemption Notice 2024