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3,295 notices found with tag "Education Act"
Alternative Constitution for the Combined Board of Trustees of South Auckland Middle School (876) and Middle School West Auckland (877)
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Election Extension Notice for Murupara Area School (658)
Land Declared No Longer Needed for Education Purposes
Land Notices
Notice of Direction to Appoint a Limited Statutory Manager for the Te Kura o Te Teko (2023) Board of Trustees
Revocation of Notice of Direction to Appoint a Limited Statutory Manager for Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Tamarongo (4223) Board of Trustees
Revocation of Notice of Direction to Appoint a Limited Statutory Manager for the Ferguson Intermediate (Otara) (1274) Board of Trustees
Notice of Dissolution of the Loburn School (3419) Board of Trustees and Direction to Appoint a Commissioner
Notice of Appointment of a Commissioner for the Loburn School (3419) Board of Trustees
Appointment to the Board of the New Zealand Qualifications Authority
Cancellation of Licence for an Early Childhood Service
The Tertiary Education (2021 Fee Maxima) Notice 2020
Algorithmi Educational Trust (Attendance Dues) Notice 2020
Integration Agreement
Notice of Direction to Appoint a Limited Statutory Manager for the Manawatū College (205) Board of Trustees