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3,295 notices found with tag "Education Act"
Revocation of Notice of Direction to Appoint a Limited Statutory Manager for the Kelburn Normal School (2876) Board of Trustees
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Te Mana Whakahaere o Awanuiārangi Constitution Notice 2020
Authorities/Other Agencies of State
Notice of Direction to Appoint a Limited Statutory Manager for the Waimana School (2057) Board of Trustees
Notice of Direction to Appoint a Limited Statutory Manager for the Tasman Bay Christian School (1178) Board of Trustees
Land Declared No Longer Needed for Education Purposes
Land Notices
Corrigendum—Te Mana Whakahaere o Awanuiārangi Constitution Notice 2020
Supplementary Integration Agreement
Notice of Appointment of a Commissioner for the Arowhenua Māori School (3280) Board of Trustees
Notice of Dissolution of the Arowhenua Māori School (3280) Board of Trustees and Direction to Appoint a Commissioner
Notice of Dissolution of Twizel Area School (527) Board of Trustees and Direction to Appoint a Commissioner; and Revocation of the Notice of Direction to Appoint a Limited Statutory Manager
Notice of Appointment of a Commissioner for Twizel Area School (527) Board of Trustees
Extension Notice for Henderson Valley School (1311) and Halsey Drive School (1302)
Revocation of Notice of Direction to Appoint a Limited Statutory Manager for the Weston School (3864) Board of Trustees
Further Amendment of Notice of Direction to Appoint a Limited Statutory Manager for the Ngata Memorial College (206) Board of Trustees