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3,295 notices found with tag "Education Act"
Closure of Parakao School (1079) Notice
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Appointment of Commissioner to Kimi Ora Community School (Hastings) (2746)
Dissolution of Board of Trustees of Kimi Ora Community School (Hastings) (2746)
Election Date for the Board of Trustees of Tauranga South School
National Curriculum Statement for Social Studies
Te Kura Maori ki Porirua Establishment
Closure of Waipahi School (4044), Gore
Dissolution of Board of Trustees and Appointment of Commissioner at Waiwhetu School,
Establishment of New School
Constitution Notice For Council of the Open Polytechnic of New Zealand
Dissolution of Board of Trustees and Appointment of Commissioner at Te Kura o Matawaia
Appointment of Temporary Commissioner for Oruawharo School
Amendment to the Constitution of Council of Taranaki Polytechnic
Mana Tamariki Establishment
Amendment to Notice-Appointment of Temporary Commissioner for Oruawharo School
The St Matthews School, Marton, Board of Trustees Election Extension Notice