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3,295 notices found with tag "Education Act"
The Whakatane High School Board of Trustees Election Extension Notice
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The Whau Valley School Board of Trustees Parent Election Extension Notice
Thurston Place College (640) Closure Notice
Tihiroa School (2029) Closure Notice
Timaru Girls’ High School (361) Board of Trustees By-Election Invalidation Notice
Tiraumea School (3042) Closure Notice
Tokoroa East School (2036) Closure Notice
Tomahawk School (3846) Closure Notice
Tongariro School (476), Turangi, Board of Trustees Election Notice
Tuai School (2707) Closure Notice
Tuai-Kokako School Establishment
Tuatapere Community College (402) Board of Trustees Student Election Extension Notice
Tukemokihi School (2708) Closure Notice
Turakina Māori Girls’ College (194) Closure Notice
Tuturumuri School (3052) Closure Notice
Tweedsmuir Junior High School (4033)