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3,295 notices found with tag "Education Act"
Alternative Constitution for the Board of Trustees of Barrytown School (3290)
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Alternative Constitution for the Board of Trustees of Aurora College (548)
Alternative Constitution for the Board of Trustees of Al-Madinah School (544)
Alternative Constitution for the Board of Trustees for Te Wainui a Rua School (559)
Alternative Constitution for John Paul II High School (304) and St Patrick's Primary
Alternative Constitution for Forbury School
Algorithmi Educational Trust (Attendance Dues) Notice 2020
Albany Senior High School Establishment
Albany Senior High School (563) Board of Trustees Election Notice
Albany Junior High School (6948), Albany, Auckland, Board of Trustees Election Notice
Al-Madinah School (544), Auckland, Board of Trustees Student Election Invalidation Notice
Al Madinah School (544), Auckland, Board of Trustees Election Invalidation Notice
Akitio School (2800) Closure Notice
Addendum to the Te Aho o Te Kura (Te Kura) Enrolment and Dual Tuition Policy
2020 Mid-Term Dates for Schools Implementing Cohort Entry Policy