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3,295 notices found with tag "Education Act"
Special Programme for the Purposes of an
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Notice of Revocation of Appointment of a Limited Statutory Manager to the Board of Trustees of Clinton School (3723)
Design Standards for School Buildings
The Education (Charters for Tertiary Education Organisations) Notice 2003
Notice of Revocation of Appointment of a Limited Statutory Manager to the Board of Trustees of
The Education (Tertiary Tuition Fee Maxima) Notice 2003
Dissolution of Board of Trustees and Appointment of a Commissioner at Maraenui Bilingual
Notice of Appointment of a Limited Statutory Manager at Ohangai School (2211)
Glen Innes Intermediate School (1286)
Notice of the Composition of the Patricia Avenue School Board of Trustees
Brown Owl School (2817) Closure Notice
Notice of Appointment of a Limited Statutory Manager at Russell School (2983)
Owenga School (3465) Closure Notice
Te Whakatu I Te Wharekura O Kirikiriroa
Revocation of the Application of Section 78M of the Education Act 1989 to Paki Paki School (2637)
Dissolution of Board of Trustees and Appointment of a Commissioner at Benneydale School (161)