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109 notices found with tag "Dissolution of boards of trustees and appointment of commissioners"
Notice of Dissolution of the Board of Trustees of Maungatautari School (1822) and Appointment of a Commissioner
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Notice of Dissolution of the Board of Trustees of St Andrew's Middle School (1942) and Appointment of a Commissioner
Notice of Dissolution of the Board of Trustees of Putorino School (2658) and Appointment
Notice of Dissolution of the Board of Trustees of Moriah College (1174) and Appointment of a Commissioner
Notice of Dissolution of the Board of Trustees of Silverdale School (1482) and Appointment of a Commissioner
Notice of Dissolution of the Board of Trustees of Te Kura Akonga o Manurewa (1619) and Appointment of a Commissioner
Notice of Dissolution of the Board of Trustees of Te Kura Kaupapa Maori o Wairarapa (1651) and Appointment of a Commissioner
Notice of Dissolution of the Board of Trustees of Avondale Intermediate School (1212) and Appointment of a Commissioner
Notice of Dissolution of the Board of Trustees of Woodbury School (3599) and Appointment of a Commissioner
Notice of Dissolution of the Board of Trustees of Makoura College (243) and Appointment of a Commissioner
Notice of Dissolution of the Tangowahine School (1105) Board of Trustees and Appointment of a Commissioner
Notice of Dissolution of the Board of Trustees of Salford School (4014) and Appointment of a Commissioner
Notice of Dissolution of the Board of Trustees of Poroti School (1083) and Appointment of a Commissioner
Notice of Dissolution of the Board of Trustees of Totara School (3847) and Appointment of a Commissioner
Notice of Dissolution of the Maungakaramea School (1047) Board of Trustees and Appointment of a Commissioner
Notice of Dissolution of the Board and Appointment of a Commissioner at Waitati School (3857)