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109 notices found with tag "Dissolution of boards of trustees and appointment of commissioners"
Notice of Dissolution of the Board of Trustees of Te Poi School (2014) and Appointment of a Commissioner
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Notice of Dissolution of the Board of Trustees of Te Kura Kaupapa Maori o Whangaroa (3106) and Appointment of a Commissioner
Notice of Dissolution of the Board of Trustees of Te Kura Kaupapa Maori o Wairarapa (1651) and Appointment of a Commissioner
Notice of Dissolution of the Board of Trustees of Te Kura Akonga o Manurewa (1619) and Appointment of a Commissioner
Notice of Dissolution of the Board of Trustees of Te Aute College (232) and Appointment of a Commissioner
Notice of Dissolution of the Board of Trustees of Tauriko School (1994) and Appointment
Notice of Dissolution of the Board of Trustees of Taupiri School (1987) and Appointment of a Commissioner
Notice of Dissolution of the Board of Trustees of Swanson School (1521) and Appointment
Notice of Dissolution of the Board of Trustees of St Joseph's Catholic School (Fairfield) (1946) and Appointment of a Commissioner
Notice of Dissolution of the Board of Trustees of St Andrew's Middle School (1942) and Appointment of a Commissioner
Notice of Dissolution of the Board of Trustees of Silverdale School (1482) and Appointment of a Commissioner
Notice of Dissolution of the Board of Trustees of Sherwood School (2673) and Appointment
Notice of Dissolution of the Board of Trustees of Salford School (4014) and Appointment of a Commissioner
Notice of Dissolution of the Board of Trustees of Runanga School (3495) and Appointment of a Commissioner
Notice of Dissolution of the Board of Trustees of Rotary Park School (3813) and Appointment
Notice of Dissolution of the Board of Trustees of Ridgway School (2980) and Appointment of a Commissioner