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214 notices found with tag "Appointment of commissioners"
Change of Commissioner for the Henderson Valley School (1311) Board of Trustees
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Education Act
Change of Commissioner for Te Komanawa Rowley School (3492) Board of Trustees
Change of Commissioner for Te Kura o Hata Maria (Pawarenga) (1102) Board of Trustees
Change of Commissioner for the Akaroa Area School (350) Board of Trustees
Notice of Appointment of a Commissioner for the Hamilton Junior High School (1942) Board of Trustees
Change of Commissioner for Te Kura o Waikaremoana (1678) Board of Trustees
Notice of Appointment of a Commissioner for the Akaroa Area School (350) Board of Trustees
Notice of Appointment of a Commissioner for Kawerau South School (1770) Board of Trustees
Notice of Appointment of a Commissioner for Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Te Rāwhiti Roa (1154) Board of Trustees
Notice of Appointment of a Commissioner for the Mauriceville School (2911) Board of Trustees
Notice of Appointment of a Commissioner for the Hato Petera College (33) Board of Trustees
Notice of Appointment of a Commissioner for Waitaki Boys’ High School (365)
Notice of Appointment of a Commissioner for the Riverslea School (2668) Board of Trustees
Notice of Appointment of a Commissioner for Te Kura o Waikaremoana (1678) Board of Trustees
Notice of Appointment of a Commissioner for Aparima College (409)