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214 notices found with tag "Appointment of commissioners"
\Notice of Appointment of a Commissioner for Hammersley Park School (520)
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Notice of Dissolution of the Paraparaumu School (2949) Board and Appointment of a Commissioner
Notice of Appointment of a Replacement Commissioner at Te Kura Reo Rua
Notice of Appointment of a Commissioner for the Zayed College for Girls (471) Board
Notice of Appointment of a Commissioner for the Wilford (3072) School Board
Notice of Appointment of a Commissioner for the Waitomo Caves School (2073) Board of Trustees
Notice of Appointment of a Commissioner for the Waihola District School (3850) Board
Notice of Appointment of a Commissioner for the Viscount School (1546) Board of Trustees
Notice of Appointment of a Commissioner for the Totara School (3847) Board
Notice of Appointment of a Commissioner for the Titahi Bay North School (3044) Board
Notice of Appointment of a Commissioner for the Te Kura Mana Māori o Maraenui (1806) Board
Notice of Appointment of a Commissioner for the Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Waiuku (3102) Board
Notice of Appointment of a Commissioner for the Te Aute College (232) Board of Trustees
Notice of Appointment of a Commissioner for the Taita College (258) Board of Trustees
Notice of Appointment of a Commissioner for the TKKM o Te Ara Whanui (1670) Board of Trustees
Notice of Appointment of a Commissioner for the St Marcellin School (2395) Board